Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Josh Korwin and Alyssa Zukas say “As Jews, or members of any faith for that matter, we should not have to subscribe to a particular aesthetic,” Korwin says. “I think that notschlock allows us to maintain a connection to our cultural heritage without losing our unique identity. We can be Jews and artists without necessarily being ‘Jewish artists.’”

Cutting edge menorahs for Hanukkah and we love the repurposed twist. Their range has expanded considerably since I last laid eyes on their work…evidently the inventive “Man-orah” has struck a chord. They’ve also created a black steel version, the "Ma-noir-ah." It's sleek, edgy, and a bit more mysterious than its brighter brother.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

rodrigo alonso

Now for something hot from Chile (so sorry, more bad puns to come). New work from Rodrigo getting it right with the ingenuity/style balance yet again. Rodrigo presents the N+EW Light, stands for 'No More Electronic Waste'.

Rodrigo says, "This creation is a beautiful object due to its extreme honesty and perfect randomness. Almost an example where error transforms itself in the final search and perfection. N+EW light is is produced by rotomolding, where low density plastic is mixed with the plastic of the crushed electronic waste shaping an irreverent diffuser molded in an also recycled iron matrix. Its base is produced with smelted aluminum of beer and drink tins amongst others. Together they form this 32 x 32 x 32 cm piece. Mixture of technology and industrial processes, the chance of the shaken plastic pieces in a 300 degrees celcius furnace and a hand made completion, give an almost artisan character and importance to an object created with what we all throw without remedy to the trash can."

Love it.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

margaux lange

I know, I know...this blog has been a long time coming. I've finally had a chance to sit down over the Australian summer and get things going.

First up I wanted to post on one of my favourite repurposing revelations, by all accounts taking the world by storm. Yes folks, it's Margaux Lange and her wonderful jewelry creations. I wonder if she was the kid in the playground who hacked up dolls for fun? On the contrary her work seems strangely beautiful and always, well, just plain interesting.